I thought I would write a post regarding preparation for your first float, or indeed any float, as this is another question which comes up a lot.
While floating is one of the simplest things to do and requires little effort to reap great rewards, there are some things to bear in mind and some tips to make the experience all the more enjoyable:
1. Try to eat 1.5-2 hours before the start of your float
You want to ensure that you are not too full or too hungry as you will be very aware of the sounds your stomach is making when you float so you should ensure you eat a while before your float to allow for digestion and to avoid those tummy rumbles!
2. Try not to drink caffeine within 1.5-2 hours of the start of your float
As we all know, caffeine is a stimulant and if consumed too close to the start of your float, will make it more difficult to relax and enjoy the experience.
3. Do not shave on the day of your float
Shaving can irritate the skin and although you have a personal sachet of Vaseline provided to cover cuts and scrapes, it is advisable not to shave on the day to prevent the salt in the water aggravating you.
4. You don’t have to bring anything except yourself and your normal post-shower toiletries
At Float Level, we provide towels, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and hair-drying facilities so all you need to bring with you would be your normal post-shower products such as deodorant, moisturiser etc.
5. On arrival, try to consciously slow down
It is advisable to ensure you take a minute before your float to slow down. When you arrive, you will need to sign in while your room is prepared. Take the opportunity to take a moment to breathe deeply and slowly. This will allow you to settle more quickly when you get into the pod.
6. Ensure you go to the toilet before your float
As your float session lasts one hour, it is advisable to go to the toilet beforehand for peace of mind and to ensure your relaxing session is not interrupted
7. TOP TIP: Ensure you put your earplugs in BEFORE your pre-float shower
You are provided with earplugs and these should be put in before your pre-float shower as earplugs are hard to fit with wet ears and you want to ensure a snug fit.
8. TOP TIP: Ensure you dry your hair and face after your pre-float shower
Drying your face and hair will reduce the chances of you needing to touch your face to wipe away drips when in the tank. You want to avoid touching your face as your hands will be covered in the salt-water solution and if this gets in your eyes, it rather stings. There is a spray bottle in the tank if some salt does get in your eye but you should try to avoid this.
9. Ensure you can ease yourself back to normality afterwards
Where possible, try to ensure you don’t have anything to immediately rush off to after your float. You want to be sure you have some time to enjoy the post-float glow and ease yourself back in to the real world after your float.
10. Avoid preconceptions of the experience
Although we all do it, it is best to enter the floatation experience with no expectations or pre-judgements. The experience is different for everyone. Just try to let go of all physical and mental tension and enjoy relaxing completely. Thoughts will come and go but do not fight this. If you are finding it hard to settle, concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly and just allow your mind to gradually calm down.
There you have it! Now, you can look forward to an enjoyable and relaxing float.
Float Level will be open in May 2014. Connect with us on Social Media or via www.floatlevel.co.uk for updates and offers.