Monday, 22 September 2014

Top 10 Ways Floating Can Help You

It’s been a while since I gave the Top 10 blog some love so here is a post all about the many effects and practical applications of time in the pod. It goes way beyond being simply a relaxing experience!

1. A Rare Opportunity For Targeted, High Quality Thought

You may be saying to yourself, “But I think all the time…” While this is true, you probably do not regularly enjoy the experience of quality thinking time. Some people refer to the floatation tank as the “Think Tank” and with good reason. It allows for a completely uninterrupted, distraction-free opportunity to think deeply about particular issues with full concentration and increased brainpower at your disposal. You will be amazed at just how much you can explore and the solutions you can arrive at when given the opportunity.

2. Increase Mental Clarity And Perspective

Following on from the first point, this is probably the most important and evident aspect of floating for me personally. Disconnecting from the constant stimulus-overload of everyday life allows you to really put worries, issues, plans and indeed your entire life into much-needed perspective and enables order to emerge from the chaos of our scattered thoughts.

3. Reduce Feelings Of Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are unfortunately all too common in all of our lives and floating has been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels in the blood, which in turn reduces those feelings of stress significantly. Contrary to what we all seem to think, stress is not something we just have to put up with in modern life. It is something we all need to address and the pod is a fantastically enjoyable way to reduce stress levels and leave you calm and collected.

4. Relieve Those Aches And Pains

This one is unavoidable regardless of the mental journey you embark on in the pod. The weightless environment has a remarkable effect on your body. Just think, you have probably never been weightless in your entire life outside of the womb. All those years of gravity acting on your body does leave us literally weighed down. When weightless you give your body the opportunity for repair and true rest. After your float, you will feel aches have faded and you’ll enjoy increased mobility in your joints. Floating is also particularly good for relieving back pain as the weightlessness actually decompresses and stretches your vertebrae out.

5. Enhance Your Capacity For Creative Thought

This is another fantastic effect of time in the pod. Since there are no inputs coming into the mind and your central nervous system is sending no signals to your brain due to the weightlessness, you have increased capacity for creative thought.
By disconnecting from the predominantly left-brain rational processing of information, you allow your creative right hemisphere to come to the fore with often remarkably creative consequences!

6. Effortlessly Attain Deeply Meditative States

I sometimes liken the pod to an enforced meditation chamber in that often you cannot help but arrive at a deeply meditative state of mind, even with no experience of meditation. This state of mind is so blissfully calm and serene that it leaves you wanting more as all worries and stresses simply fade away into a simple, centred and present moment.

7. Visualise Your Success

Visualisation has long been known to be central to the psychological side of success in sport but it can be used for anything from that interview you have coming up, that best man’s speech, that presentation at work or even that recipe you’ve been wrangling with! Playing things through in your mind ahead of time, imagining the successful outcome and embedding that within increases confidence and moves your future actions into the more automatic side of experience. This has been particularly helpful for a number of Jiu Jitsu practitioners who come to the centre to play through the chess game of predicting and reacting to opponents’ trigger movements.

8. Improve Your Mood

Floating is known to increase the production of feel-good endorphins and with the absence of external stimuli and forces acting on your mind and body, it leaves you with a noticeably lighter and mildly euphoric mood!

9. Improve Concentration

An interesting aspect of floating is how the effects last long after your float has ended. Anyone who takes a long walk after floating can testify to this physically but another interesting aspect is how your mind is clearer and more disposed to deep, focused concentration.

10. And Finally… A Good Sleep Guarantee

I think most people feel that they could get a little more shuteye in an ideal world. A single hour in the pod has been likened to the equivalent of 4 hours sleep with regard to the physical and mental rest achieved during that short time. Additionally, floating vastly increases your quality of sleep and reduces the time taken to fall asleep. Try a 7pm float at Float Level and see for yourself…

And that’s your Top 10 ways floating can help you. If you like the sound of this and any of the above chimes with you, give floating a go and see what it’s all about. You can book your session here and have a look at our monthly special offers here. Until next time…

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